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Class group photos

We offer a few options for a group photo from the classic traditional group to a fun outdoor playful photo of the class.

We also offer a very modern contemporary white background photo


Traditional class photo

these are timeless classic photos and are still the most populer type of group photo to this day. these are ideal for both     class photos and sports teams. you have the option of having these indoors or outside on your beautiful grounds of the school.


Contemporary class photo

We offer both white and black backdrops with or without props. These photos are taken as a series of images and we stitch them together to create a beautiful class photo 


Fun outdoor class photos

these are great for both small groups of childrens or class groups. These photos tend to show through the childrens personality and playful side. We would take the children onto the play equipment on the school grounds or field for these photo. The fun photos are really good for leavers end of year photo.